Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2009! I believe this year is going to be a great one.

I've typically not been big on New Year's Resolutions (because they are rarely followed through on), but I am a fan of taking a look at our lives from time-to-time and adjust the things we've lost focus on. You know, the truly important things.

I also believe that accountability (sharing the things you want to change with friends and family and asking them to encourage you to succeed) is the key to long-term successful life change. So, here are the things I'm working on for 2009:

> Being there for my family.

This has been a focus for a long time for me, but I could still do better.

Specifically, I'm looking forward to having "Daddy-Daughter Dates" with my girls at least once a month. I know it will be way too soon and they'll be off living their own lives.

I also need to spend more time with Jeri. While we see each other a lot - at work and at home - we still need more time just hanging out together - away from working and parenting.

I'll share more of the things I want to improve over the next few days / weeks.

What about you? Where do you want to improve your relationships?



Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Dave and All at Relevant CC, I Love You !

I've heard lots of resolutions already this year, but one womans' statement stuck with me. (I think it was the Today show, that aired all these interviews, but that is beside the point.)This particular woman said, " I always say "I love you" at the end of conversations. Why do I wait 'til we're parting? This year I'm going to try to start my conversations telling folks how I feel."

Not to steal her thunder, but I like the idea and I'm adopting it!

My Sympathies for your family' recent loss, God and Jesus grant you Peace!

Dave said...

I love you, too!

Thanks for your kind thoughts.
