Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Maiden Voyage

Hello All! Only time will tell if I maintain this blog, but my intentions are to simply journal my thoughts. As a pastor and a church planter, a good number (maybe all) will relate to life and God - as that is what I think about most often. Maybe more specifically, what kind of life does God want for me and how do I get it.

Check back every once in a while and see how my journey is going.


Nan45bsb said...

Blogging huh? Coming into the 21st century huh? Have a myspace yet? It's inevitable, that has to be next. Ha. Good for you, I'm a blog reading addict so don't worry, I'll read.

Dave said...

I do have a myspace - set that up about 2 years ago as a way to keep connected with the youth at church. I still check it about once a week, but I don't really keep up with it very well :-)