Sunday, November 19, 2006

Worshipping Through the Pain (and tears)

Today was Danny's funeral (as I type those words I still struggle with the reality of it all).

It was a wonderful celebration of his life. A praise band made up of all former students of his youth group led worship and did a great job. Through all of the worship I was crying like a baby and it was really hard. I kept thinking about how there are times where we simply have to worship God and wait for our heart to catch up.

My heart did catch up and I know that God is still on His throne.

I also was reminded just how precious and delicate life is - will you join me to live life to the fullest. It's times like this that I am reminded that tomorrow is not guaranteed (here on earth) and we shouldn't waste a single moment.

Call that friend you've been thinking about recently - just to say "Hi."

Pout less and laugh more.

Fear less and risk more.

Fight less and love more.

Doubt less and live by faith more.

Work less and play more.

Think less about yourself and more about others.

Take less and serve more.

Steal that kiss, hug a little tighter and longer, write a love note.

Live!! I mean really live - don't just exist - live!!

And share your life with those around you - you won't be sorry if you do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Situations like this, the loss of a friend or loved one too early according to our own timetables, always makes me think of the poem called "The Dash". The date we were born and the date we die aren't as important as the "dash" in between -the time we spent living and sharing our lives - the years full of memories that we leave behind. Our beliefs, our actions, our loves and dislikes all impact those around us. This "dash" is our legacy. It is up to us to determine what it will be.

Poem can be viewd at